Alison Frank’s work focuses on the development of a playful and absurd cast of small creatures that inhabit a wintery landscape. The creatures share a vulnerable, somewhat fragile, quality, yet are assigned vital force in their existence. She create…

Alison Frank’s work focuses on the development of a playful and absurd cast of small creatures that inhabit a wintery landscape. The creatures share a vulnerable, somewhat fragile, quality, yet are assigned vital force in their existence. She creates them through her paintings and intaglio prints which are nestled into her handmade frames.

From a young age, Alison began conceiving and creating tiny worlds on a farm outside a ghost town called Bateman in Southwestern Saskatchewan. The ghost town nurtured a passion for the aesthetic of antiques while the prairies inspired her attention to nature and detail in her work. Her addiction to creating was fuelled at the University of Regina where she received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in 2001. In 2004, she earned a Master of Fine Arts in Printmaking from Louisiana State University. She currently lives in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.